A Singapore Government Agency Website [NOTE: THIS IS A STAGING WEBSITE]
How to identify
Official website links end with .gov.sg
Government agencies communicate via
websites (e.g. go.gov.sg/open).
Trusted websites
Secure websites use HTTPS
Look for a
lock () or https:// as an added precaution. Share sensitive
information only on official, secure websites.
Launch of For.sgNew For.sg link to be used by public hospitals when sending e-mails, SMSes
Launch of Health Appointment System (HAS)65岁及以上年长者 本地试行上网预约接种肺炎疫苗
ParkingSG to replace paper coupons soon超过九成车辆以Parking.sg应用付停车费 纸质固本料不久后逐步淘汰
REAL-TIME COVID-19 UPDATES WITH SYNC(CH) 包括检测结果与疫苗接种状态 新平台Sync集中个人冠病数据 供指定机构使用
SYNC FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOROnline platform to offer employees simpler way of sharing Covid-19 test results, vaccination records
LAUNCH OF SYNC(CH) 线上平台Sync 可分享冠病检测结果和接种状态
REDEEMSG ON CHANNEL 8 CLICKIT(CH) 狮城有约 | 科技一点通:社理会邻里购物券
CDC VOUCHER SCHEME TO GO DIGITALRedeemSG used for CDC Voucher Scheme to help heartland hawkers and merchants
REMOTE WORK @ OGPRahul shares with EngageRocket how OGP transitioned to remote work during COVID-19
SCAMSHIELD ON CHANNEL 8(CH) We share with seniors how to protect themselves against scams as part of Channel 8's "Get Fit with Me" series
BUILDING TECH FOR THE PANDEMIC(CH) How an experimental tech team helped Singapore fight the COVID-19 pandemic
PIVOTING TO FIGHT COVID-19Rahul Daswani, Head of People & Culture, talks with GovInsider on how OGP pivoted to combat COVID-19
DIGITAL MEDICAL CERTIFICATESDigiMC is set to replace Singhealth's paper medical certificates by 2020
MAKING ONLINE FORMS A BREEZEFormSG, used for NDP 2019 ticketing, makes filling online government forms a breeze
REDUCING PAPERWORK WITH FORMSG(CH) 政府开源科技部产品经理开发雏形 FormSG填表格省纸省时
SGID & DIGITAL IDENTITYOGP Director, Li Hongyi, shares about sgID and digital identity as part of Civil Service College Singapore's Tech and Policy Talks
HOW TO BUILD GOOD SOFTWAREOGP Director, Li Hongyi, explains how software development requires a different, iterative approach